Winter Arc! What it is and How to do it

Hey there, and welcome back to Space for Grace! Today, we’re chatting about the “Winter Arc,” a viral trend that’s all about using the colder months to focus on personal growth. With 2025 just around the corner, why not get a head start on those New Year’s goals now?

So, What’s the Winter Arc?

The Winter Arc is basically the period from October 1st to January 1st where you buckle down and use the colder, darker days to refocus on your goals. Instead of waiting for January 1st to start your resolutions, the idea is to begin now. It's about getting disciplined and building habits so that by the time the new year rolls around, you're already in a groove.

This trend isn't just for fitness buffs or intense goal-setters; it's for anyone looking to set themselves up for a smoother, more successful start to the new year. By starting now, you’ll avoid that overwhelming pressure to "get it together" once January hits.

My Personal Winter Arc

Lately, I’ve been unintentionally following this Winter Arc trend. Between starting a new part-time job as a health coach, running my own business, and teaming up with my husband for our wedding photography venture, life’s been busy! To keep everything on track, I got myself a big desk calendar and started blocking out time for everything—from workouts to work schedules.

It’s been a game-changer. Having my gym days, work projects, and even rest days planned out has taken so much stress off my plate. No more wondering, “Do I have time to work out today?” It’s already written down!

How to Create Your Own Winter Arc

You can totally customize your Winter Arc! Think of it like 75 Hard, but with rules that work for YOU. Here’s how to start:

  1. Set SMART Goals: Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Instead of vague goals like “I want to be healthier,” say something like “I’m going to hit the gym 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes.”

  2. Plan Your Time: Get a calendar and block out your time. Include everything—work, workouts, social events, and rest days. Seeing it all laid out helps you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Check In Weekly: Every Sunday, review your goals and plan for the upcoming week. My husband and I use Sundays to go over our calendar, budget, and chores, so we’re set for a smooth start to the week.

  4. Stay Disciplined: The key to the Winter Arc is consistency. You’re committing to 75 days of building better habits. Some days will be harder than others, but sticking to it will make the new year feel less daunting.

Why Start Now?

Winter can be a tough time. It’s easy to fall into a cozy routine of binge-watching TV and lounging on the couch, but using this time to get ahead will set you up for success when January hits. No more scrambling to get into “bikini shape” or suddenly trying to figure out a workout routine. You’ll already be ahead of the game!

Plus, setting small, achievable goals now means you’ll head into 2025 feeling confident, not overwhelmed by the pressure to change everything at once.

Wrapping It Up

So, here we are with just 75 days left until the new year! If you’re ready to make the most of the Winter Arc, start planning your goals, stay consistent, and check in with yourself regularly. And remember, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about making progress.

If you want some extra support, I offer coaching to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals. Feel free to reach out, and let’s make the next 75 days count!

Thanks for reading, and let’s crush this Winter Arc together!


JuliexFit’s Fitness Journey