Paralyzed By Overwhelm?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and unsure where to start? You’re not alone. On today's episode of the Space For Grace podcast, we dive into the feeling of being stuck—whether it’s related to health, fitness, career, or any other area of life. It’s all too easy to become so overwhelmed that we end up doing nothing at all.

I get it—I've been there. The good news is that there’s a way forward: start small. Just do one thing at a time. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Begin by doing some research, make a plan, and then simply do the first thing on your list. At some point, you need to move from thinking to doing, just like Nike says, "Just do it."

One powerful way to help you get started is to use habit stacking. Habit stacking involves linking a new behavior to an existing habit, making it easier to incorporate positive changes into your routine. For example, if you already have a habit of making coffee each morning, you could stack a new habit, like doing a few stretches, right after. By tying a new action to something you already do, it becomes more automatic over time.

This cycle of overthinking is familiar for many of us. When it comes to starting a workout plan, making a career change, or getting our finances in order, we either feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of advice out there or paralyzed by a lack of information. The result? We stay stuck.

The key to breaking free is to take action—any action, even if it seems small. The smallest step forward can create momentum, and that momentum can make all the difference.

You deserve to live the life you dream of, to feel fulfilled, and to contribute your unique gifts to the world. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to make a change, consider this it. Start today. Do one small thing for yourself, use habit stacking to make it easier, and let that be the first step to getting unstuck.

Remember, you don’t need to do it all at once. Just start—one small step at a time. The world needs what you have to offer. So take a deep breath, and go for it.


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